Begin Your Journey to Thriving in a Global Setting

๐Ÿ™๏ธ ๐ŸŒŽ Cities of the Future- Have you watched the film yet?


Today, I had the opportunity to watch the film "Cities of the Future." While I was impressed by the key innovations and future concepts aimed at making cities more livable, sustainable, and efficient, the film exemplifies western egocentrism.

It focuses exclusively on sustainable concepts implemented in Los Angeles, Amsterdam, and Singaporeโ€”all cities within the westernized world. There were no suggestions on improving life in non-western countries, how to finance these projects globally, or where to source the necessary resources.

We must tackle global challenges on a global scale. Viewing problems through the lens of individual countries will not solve issues like global warming or climate change. Remember, we are not just in our own country boats; we are all together in one big boat called Mother Earth!

๐Ÿ’ก What do you think of the film and its concepts for promoting a more sustainable world?
๐Ÿ’ก To what extent were you affected by its representation of western egocentrism?